In a series of fictional horror movie posters featuring carnivorous and poisonous plants, the delicate belies the deadly. This is a world where your summer salad wants to eat you. Monsters with formidable jaws, pools of acid, and arsenals of toxins rise from below in search of prey. These botanical beasts will make your heart race! They’ll take your breath away! They’ll eat you alive! They are…Killer Flora from the Bowels of the Earth!!
Second Saturday Reception: September 14th, 2024, 5-8pm
About the Artist
Danielle Wogulis primarily works in oil and acrylic paint, using figurative and botanical subjects to find the dreamlike in the mundane: sinister plants, inanimate objects that evoke a sense of ritualistic symbolism, psychological landscapes. She’s interested in the absurdity and tension created by the inseparability of our corporeal realities from our knowledge of the world and ourselves, and in depicting non-human life forms with the agency to fight back against systematic destruction.
Danielle earned her Bachelor of Arts in Painting at University of California, Santa Barbara and studied at the University of Leeds in the UK. She has been a member of Axis Gallery since 2021.