Jaguar Mezcal Cups

Ray Gonzales
Jaguar Mezcal Cups

Love Bomb

Gabriel Isaiah Gonzales
Love Bomb
painting on wood, 6" x 6"

Stan Padilla
Natural/primitive clay, various sizes
Hand of Fatima

Gabriel Isaiah Gonzales
Hand of Fatima
Silkscreen printed & hand painted, 11" x 14"

Stan Padilla
Natural/primitive clay, various sizes

About the Show

"Mercado" translates into market. In many countries the mercado is where artists and artisans present and sell their works on the street and on plazas in an informal setting. This small group exhibit's focus is to display smaller, intimate and more affordable works that often are instrumental in sustaining an artist's livelihood.

Included is Stan Padilla's installation, "La Naturaleza". Altar-like with the the theme of the natural spirit. His paintings are created with handmade plants and minerals.

Featured Artists

Gabriel Gonzales: Contemporary Visual Artist, Musician and Filmmaker
Stan Padilla: Yaqui elder, Artist and Muralist
Ray Gonzales: Visual Artist, Arts Organizer and Professor