Artist Website
My work is derived from my childhood memories, family lore, and my nighttime dreams. The inspiration to photographically reconstruct old family stories was a way to record them and document how they helped form who I am. By retelling these stories visually, I want to present to the viewer the unique set of symbols I have found within them.
To recreate the stories, I use a mixture of personal and appropriated images, utilizing analog and digital formats, and alternative processes. This approach creates visually rich, layered images that bridge the past and the present, me and my family.
Angela Casagrande – “Everything That I Could Keep Inside”
April 5th – April 28th, 2019
Angela Casagrande – “The 21 Day Myth”
September 1st – October 1st, 2017
“Family Stories…or Down the Rabbit Hole” – Angela Casagrande
January 1st - January 31st, 2016