Artist Website
An idea is where it begins. Inspiration may come from the fragility of a complex world, the chaos that can be created when its order is interrupted or how a forest interacts with its surroundings and grows in harmony with the world around it. Learning to acquiesce and comprehend, through knowledge and acceptance. The use of non-objective painting, the blending of organic shapes, eye catching color, and most recently, a media I am passionate about. One shape alone does not complete the work, but their coexistence produces something intriguing, each piece inspires and creates an architecture for the next. I take on an environmental, political or emotional persuasion, combining these concepts to ultimately form my work.
I was inspired to combine two passions, creating art and literature. The printed word today is becoming a dinosaur with the advent of e-books and the closing of book stores all over the country. In my search for which books to use and what kind of art to make out of them, I began a journey that led me and my art in ways I had never imagined. The work produced is not an interpretation of the story, but a reflection on the influence it has had on me. Every piece I start and finish is heartbreaking and exciting, a book is destroyed, but art is created.