Full Fathom Five
collage, 5x7”, 2021

collage, 5x7”, 2021

acrylic on canvas, 30x40”, 2020

collage, 7x5”, 2020

Biopsycollage, 5x7”, 2020

Carrion II
collage, 5x7”, 2020

Procession (for Dean)
mixed media collage, 27x41”, 2019

Big Poppies
oil on canvas, 30x40”, 2019

Stage Fright
oil on wood, 22x41”, 2018

Nepenthes Bicalcarata
oil on canvas, 24x30”, 2017

No Big Deal
oil on canvas, 39x58”, 2014
Danielle Wogulis is a two-dimensional artist based in Sacramento, California. She primarily works in oil and acrylic paint, as well as collage and cut paper. She explores the human body as a site of expression, using figurative and botanical subjects to find the dreamlike in the mundane: sinister plants, inanimate objects that evoke a sense of ritualistic symbolism, etc. She’s interested in the absurdity and tension created by the inseparability of our corporeal realities and our knowledge of the world and ourselves.
Danielle earned her Bachelor of Arts in Painting at University of California, Santa Barbara and she studied in the UK. She is a participating artist in the 2021 Capitol Box Art Revival project.
Artist website: www.daniellewogulis.com
Safety Summer Ventis
Killer Flora from the Bowels of the Earth!! – Danielle Wogulis
On My Gay Wizard Shit – Danielle Wogulis
Double Take – Peter Foucault, Erin Kaczkowski, Justin Nunnally, Mirabel Wigon, Danielle Wogulis
Time Theft – Danielle Wogulis