N Thornton Rd. & Highway 12

Richard Gilles
N Thornton Rd. & Highway 12
pigment inkjet print, 2006
19th St. & O St.

Richard Gilles
19th St. & O St.
pigment inkjet print, 2006
23rd St. & Tennessee St.

Richard Gilles
23rd St. & Tennessee St.
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Addison & 3rd

Richard Gilles
Addison & 3rd
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Addison & Second

Richard Gilles
Addison & Second
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Addison St. & 2nd St.

Richard Gilles
Addison St. & 2nd St.
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Clement Ave. & Oak St.

Richard Gilles
Clement Ave. & Oak St.
pigment inkjet print, 2006
E Montgromery & S 51

Richard Gilles
E Montgromery & S 51
pigment inkjet print, 2006

Richard Gilles
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Rankin & Custer

Richard Gilles
Rankin & Custer
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Redwood & Sonoma Blvd.

Richard Gilles
Redwood & Sonoma Blvd.
pigment inkjet print, 2006
Axis Gallery, February 2007

Richard Gilles
Axis Gallery, February 2007

Axis Gallery, February 2007

Richard Gilles
Axis Gallery, February 2007

Axis Gallery, February 2007

Richard Gilles
Axis Gallery, February 2007

Axis Gallery, February 2007

Richard Gilles
Axis Gallery, February 2007

Axis Gallery, February 2007

Richard Gilles
Axis Gallery, February 2007

I joined Axis gallery In 2006 and was with the gallery for 15 years, the last 4 as president. My time with Axis has allowed me to make and show work, make great friend and grow as an artist. I thought it was fitting to put work from my very first show in 2007 at Axis up here.

Almost Home-Less

There is a phenomenon in our society that for the most part goes unnoticed: down a side-road, to a dead-end in a decaying industrial section of the city is but one of the places you will discover, often hidden, the almost home-less. In our seemly abundant society, the almost home-less find themselves, living in vehicles- often on public streets- often not. Do these voyagers have a destination or is it a perpetual, nomadic journey? Has their vehicle become a substitute for a fixed address or a tool for a pilgrimage? Is there meaning to their movement? Almost home-Less is my photographic exploration of this phenomenon. My intention is not to provide the viewer with answers, but for the images to serve as catalyst for questions, investigation and awareness.

Richard Gilles


Artist Website: www.hues.com

Richard Gilles – HOUSE II

October 2nd - October 31st, 2021

Richard Gilles
The Sequestered Form

February 6th - February 28th, 2021

Richard Gilles – HOUSE

March 1st - March 31st, 2019

California Valley – Richard Gilles

May 1st – May 31st, 2015