Artist Website
I’ve been working with linocuts, hand colored linocuts, and paintings The landscape inspires me. My work often deals with nature that has been changed by humans, so there is some of both – nature and man. The juxtaposition of man and nature continues to fascinate me.
I work in a symbolic way, and often I work in a series. The first in a series are experiments that don’t often turn out — only later, after working with the imagery, and often making it more abstract, do I seem to be able to make an image I’m satisfied with. Some of my work takes on an anthropomorphic quality.
Dixie Laws – Leaves, Series II
March 2nd – April 1st, 2018
The Philodendron Show – Dixie Laws
May 6th – May 29th, 2016
Dixie Laws: New monotypes and linocuts, and a selection of prints from the Myrtle Press printmakers
September 6th – September 28th, 2014