Artist Website
Omar Thor Arason’s current work negotiates morality as it manifests in bodies, particularly in their relationship to each other. He investigates the ways in which personal systems of morality, encoded in humans through foundational experiences, can extend beyond the individual and act in both unifying and divisive ways. Arason’s paintings are composed of figures interacting with each other in a variety of moral situations that are both personal and universal in nature, and pertinent to current political events. In a departure from his previous work, Arason’s new paintings are pared down in terms of color and composition; his sparing use of architectural elements suggests only a basic plane in which to ground the figures.
December 6th - December 15th, 2024
In Between – Omar Arason
January 7th - January 30th, 2022
Omar Thor Arason – Quantum Collapse
May 1st - May 30th, 2021
DID – A One Person Group Show – Omar Thor Arason
September 6th – September 29th, 2019
Current Bodies – Aida Lizalde, Doug Dertinger, Jamie Angello and Omar Thor Arason
January 12th – February 25th 2018